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261,40 €

Love it or your money back! 100-day money-back guarantee, refunds issued by Braun, terms & conditions apply. Contact us in the first instance for further details. Braun Silk-expert Pro 3 ensures permanent hair reduction in just 3 months. It automatically and continuously adapts to your skin tone to ensure optimal safety and efficacy. Skin tone varies across your body, so the SensoAdapt sensor (with UV protection) continuously reads the skin tone and adapts the flash intensity for the safest & most effective permanent visible hair removal. The gliding mode triggers more flashes for the fastest treatment, ideal for large body parts, while the stamp mode provides a more precise treatment suitable for smaller and sensitive areas. The precision head allows you to tackle smaller or trickier areas like face, bikini and underarms. Box includes: - Silk-expert Pro 3 - Precision Head Do not use IPL if you suffer from any of the diseases listed below: -If you have a skin disease such as active skin cancer, you have a history of skin cancer or any other localised cancer in the areas to be treated. -If you have a history of vascular disorder, such as the presence of varicose veins or vascular ectasia in the areas to be treated. -If your skin is sensitive to light and easily develops a rash or an allergic reaction. -If you have infections, eczema, burns, inflammation of hair follicles, open lacerations, abrasions, herpes simplex, wounds or lesions and haematomas in the areas to be treated. -If you have diabetes, lupus erythematodes, porphyria or congestive heart disease. Never use the device on the following areas: -On warts, tattoos or permanent make-up. This can result in a burn and a change in skin colour. Please note: This list is not exhaustive. If you are not sure whether you can use the device, we advise you to consult a doctor.