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529,99 €

Go greenerWhy waste detergent? With AutoDose technology, you won't! It knows exactly how much detergent to put into your wash, which means it's kinder to the environment and your bank balance. All in one Washing clothes just got way simpler thanks to the Hoover H-Wash 500 Auto Dosing HWDB 69AMBC WiFi-enabled 9 kg 1600 Spin Washing Machine. No more separating clothes by colour or material. You can just chuck it all in and the washing machine will make sure each piece of clothing gets the care it needs. Save time and money The machine weighs each load and adjusts the length and water consumption accordingly. When you're in a hurry, you can use one of the Rapid Cycles. The steam function lets you can save time on ironing as well. And thanks to the Caredose automatic dosing system, it even dispenses just the right amount of liquid detergent based on your load.Always connected You can connect the Hoover H-Wash 500 to your home Wi-Fi. This lets you control it using an app on your phone or a smart assistant like Google home or Amazon Alexa. You can also use the app to start a cycle or download new ones. And in case of a problem, you can also run diagnostics.