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1049,00 €

The iCandy Orange is the ultimate companion when it comes to parenthood and the beautiful, multi-functional pushchair is ready for the adventure, every step of the way.An ingenious integrated Ride-on Board, lightweight and streamlined chassis, super spacious basket, as well as a changing bag and Duo Pod included, mean the iCandy Orange is ready from the get-go, making it the ultimate choice for first-time parents.Functionality modifications, including softer suspension and the ability to fold the pushchair with the seat unit and bumper bar still attached, enhance day to day life as well as comfort for both parent and child. These adaptations don’t come at the expense of style, with the iCandy Orange exuding a sophisticated and refined aesthetic, achieved through modern colour blocking of premium padded fabrics, available in a range of stylish shades.The added peace of mind that the iCandy Orange can scale into a double pushchair future proofs the design for parents, making it the ultimate choice for growing families.What’s in the Box: 1 x chassis, 1 x set of carrycot fabrics, 1 x set of seat unit fabrics, 1 x carrycot/seat unit shared frame, 1 x canopy, 1 x set of elevators, 1 x set of car seat adaptors, 1 x bumper bar, 1 x raincover, 1 x coordinating bag, 1 x coordinating Duo Pod.Features:-Suitable from birth (with carrycot) up to 25kg-Carrycot suitable for permanent overnight sleeping-Converts from a single to double pushchair-Converts to full travel system with included car seat adaptors-Integrated Ride-on Board-One-handed seat recline with three positions-30 different configurations-Freestanding fold-Folds with seat unit and bumper bar still attached (single mode)-Parent and world facing modes-Adjustable, multi-function SPF50+ canopy with multi-position mesh ventilation-Soft suspension to make light work of curbs-Optimized tyre tread for off-road exploring-Adjustable handlebar heights-64l capacity basket