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503,99 €

Stock up and plan ahead with the Indesit OS1A200H21 200-Litre Chest Freezer.Enjoy an extremely useful 204 litres of storage space, including a counterbalanced door, internal light and handy storage basket for your family's most popular items - from choc ices in summer to fish fingers in the winter!Easily adaptable thanks to electronic control and an LED display, this is a great choice for big families and households that like to plan ahead. We also love the Super Freeze feature, which rapidly drops the temperature as new items are introduced to help preserve flavour and texture. Indesit have also introduced the clever new Cool Switch feature, which lets you use it either as a freezer at -18C or as a fridge at +4C, keeping all your food always at the right temperature. The choice is yours!The Indesit OS1A200H21 Chest Freezer also comes with an A+ rating for energy efficiency, so it's kind to your electricity bills. Suitable for out-buildings (i.e. operates down to -15°C).