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2549,00 €

Lg GSXV90BSAE American Style Fridge Freezer, 635L, Stainless Steel Keep all your groceries fresh with this plumbed-in American Style Fridge Freezer from LG. Packed with amazing features and a 635 litre capacity, storing the family shopping will be a breeze.Smart TechnologyLG has equipped the GSXV90BSAE with cutting-edge technology to keep your food at its very best. The Door-in-Door system features a double layered door allowing easy access to milk and condiments, and if you knock twice on the InstaView panel, it will turn transparent. This means you can see inside without having to open the door and letting cold air escape, saving energy.DoorCooling+ lets cool air circulate evenly throughout the whole compartment, keeping food fresher for longer, while LINEARCoolingTM maintains a consistent temperature. What’s more, LG has also included an Inverter Linear Compressor in the GSXV90BSAE to provide quiet, energy efficient cooling.Wi-Fi enabled; you can control your fridge freezer from your smartphone with Smart ThinQ technology. Simply download the app to change temperatures, so your appliance is always ready when you get home from the supermarket.Perfect for Large FamiliesTo make your life easier, the GSXV90BSAE comes with a frost free feature, so you never have to worry about manually defrosting your freezer again.Offering a net capacity of 635 litres, you’ll find plenty of space for large food shops. There’s also a range of storage options including:Five glass shelvesTwo salad binsFour door balconiesThe four star rated freezer means you can store food for up to 12 months, perfect for stocking up on those family essentials. Plus, with two clear drawers and two baskets, you can easily see all your frozen food at a glance.Extra FeaturesEnjoy clean water and crushed or cubed ice at the touch of a button thanks to the Ice&Water system. Plumbed into your mains, simply place your glass under the dispenser for a continuous supply. The fridge is also equipped with an LED light – brighter than a standard fridge light, but also energy efficient.  And, in the event of a power cut, the freezer can store your food for up to two hoursAvailable in a Premium Steel finish, with plenty of space and exceptional features, the GSXV90BSAE from LG is the perfect appliance for your home.