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21,49 €

We offer an economy pack for monthly contact lenses Soflens 59 (6 lenses) with ReNu MultiPlus 360 ml solution. SofLens 59 contact lenses by the popular and well-established Bausch & Lomb, will be appreciated especially by first time wearers thanks to their easy handling. They are designed for daily wear with a monthly replacement period. Soflens 59 are made from a protein-resistant material that combines top performance, comfort and visual acuity. The Hilafilcon B material with high water content improves deposit sediment resistance and provides comfortable everyday wear. ReNu MultiPlus from Bausch & Lomb is a multi-purpose solution for the complete care of all types of soft contact lenses. This versatile solution rinses, disinfects and moisturises lenses, and removes proteins and lipids contained in tears. It includes pH balancing boric acid and poloxamine, which removes the outer remnants of cellular tissues.