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119,00 €

Ozone generator and air purifier with 5-filter system and UV light The industrial air purifier AIRCLEAN 600P from ulsonix helps you to effectively neutralise strong odours in enclosed spaces. It also significantly improves air quality with a five-stage filter system and a UV light. This makes the ozone generator ideal for removing cigarette or animal odours from spaces in the hotel industry, office spaces, or the interiors of vehicles and boats. Thorough—five-stage air purification with photocatalytic, activated carbon, HEPA, negative ion, and pre-filters Efficient—ozone power up to 600 mg/h with the help of a ceramic plate Sterilising—UV light destroys bacteria and germs in the air Handy—remote control and easy-to-read LCD display Mobile—compact, durable and easy to transport thanks to handle