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33,99 €

The professional bee smoker A smoker for bees is part of the basic equipment of every beekeeper. The smoke it creates is a fire warning for the bees and triggers an ancient reflex: The insects withdraw into the combs and consume as much honey as possible to prepare for an escape from the hive and the search for a new home. As there is no fire, the bees relax on a full stomach and wait and see. The beekeeper can take advantage of this relaxed state to perform tasks or to inspect the beehive. The bee smoker from Wiesenfield performs this simple task safely and reliably. High-quality—made of stainless steel and cowhide Safe—thanks to heat shield Practical—a hook protects surfaces from damage and simplifies storage Durable—thanks to robust materials and clean workmanship Professional—ideal for professionals, beginners or hobby beekeepers